How to keep your dry skin fresh and healthy

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How to keep your dry skin fresh and healthy

Dry skin can be a huge challenge, especially in harsh environments like the tropics. But don't worry, with a little care and attention, you can keep your skin fresh and healthy. In this article, we will talk about some tips and advice that will help you maintain dry skin and avoid common problems that you may encounter.


  1. Continuous hydration

Moisturizing is the first and most important step in dry skin care. Choose a moisturizer that contains rich ingredients such as hyaluronic acid, glycerin, and natural oils such as coconut oil or argan oil such as: ULTRA LIFT - Advanced Night Treatment


Apply moisturizer immediately after washing your face, when your skin is still damp, to ensure better absorption.

  1. Drink plenty of water

Dehydration doesn't just happen on the surface, it can be caused by poor water intake. Make sure you drink adequate amounts of water daily to keep your body and skin hydrated from the inside. Experts recommend drinking at least 8 glasses of water daily.

  1. Use gentle cleansers

Choose a gentle cleanser that is free of alcohol and harsh fragrances, which can further dry out your skin.

Such as: hydration cleanser, which contains natural ingredients such as aloe vera, honey, hyaluronic acid, and rosehip oil, which are very useful in gently cleansing the skin without stripping it of its natural oils.

  1. Sun protection

The sun in tropical regions is strong and direct, which may lead to increased skin dryness and worsening pigmentation problems. Use sunscreen with a protection factor (SPF) of at least 30, and reapply it every two hours, especially if you are exposed to the sun for long periods.

  1. Proper nutrition

Eat a diet rich in vitamins and minerals essential for healthy skin, such as vitamin E, vitamin C, and omega-3. These nutrients help keep your skin elastic and hydrated. You can get it from foods like avocados, nuts, fatty fish, and leafy green vegetables.

  1. Exfoliate regularly

Exfoliation helps remove dead skin cells that can make your skin look dull and dry. Choose a gentle scrub suitable for dry skin, such as: AHA/BHA CLEANSER, and use it only once or twice a week, to avoid irritation.

  1. Use moisturizing masks

Moisturizing masks can be a great addition to your skin care routine. Choose masks that contain nourishing ingredients such as honey, aloe vera, and shea butter. Such as: HYDRATION MASK. Use it once or twice a week to get deep hydration.

  1. Avoid hot water

Hot water can strip the natural oils from your skin, leading to increased dryness. Use lukewarm water when washing your face or showering to keep your skin hydrated.

  1. Stay away from irritating factors

Avoid products that contain alcohol, strong perfumes, and harsh chemicals. These ingredients can irritate dry skin and worsen dryness problems.

  1. Consult a skin specialist

If your dry skin problems persist despite following all the tips mentioned, it may be better to consult a skin specialist. You may need treatment products or advice tailored to your condition.


In conclusion, caring for dry skin requires a little effort and attention, but the results are worth it. By following these simple steps, you can keep your skin fresh and healthy at all times, even in harsh tropical conditions.

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